Webinars & Videos
Watch and share the Voice 21 on-demand videos, webinars and sign up to upcoming live webinars dedicated to oracy
Plan & Prepare for Oracy in your Primary School
This on-demand webinar explains what oracy is and how it can underpin your Primary School Development Plan. We share five strategies to try out in your classrooms so that you can begin to audit oracy practice, pinpoint problems and plan next steps.
- Why is talk happening, for what purpose? 'Concept Cartoon' Activity
- How is talk happening? Talk Tactics - 'Build' and 'Clarify'
- Who is engaging in talk? Groupings - 'Trios' and 'Talk Partners'
Becoming a Voice 21 Oracy School: The Webinar
In this webinar, we run through how to become a Voice 21 Oracy School, what's included and how we work with schools to embed a high quality oracy education.
In this webinar, we cover:
- Everything that is included in the membership
- Your Voice 21 Oracy journey, from planning to accreditation
- How to register as a Voice 21 Oracy School
Watch them all
Become a Voice 21 Oracy School Webinar
In this webinar we break down all aspects of the Voice 21 Membership including what's included, how long it takes, CPD opportunities and how to register.
- On-demand
- Webinar
The Oracy Imperative
In this on-demand workshop, you will learn what a high quality oracy education looks like and how Voice 21 are equipping teachers with the skills to develop and nurture effective talk for learning.
- On-demand
- Webinar
Diving into the 2022/23 impact report
To celebrate our newest Impact Report, senior leaders in Voice 21 Oracy Schools will talk about how they have implemented, developed, and measured oracy in their schools.
- On-demand
- Webinar
Talking assemblies
In this video, The Oaks School talks about how they implemented talking assemblies to encourage talk and trust between students and place talk at the heart of the school's culture.
- On-demand
- Teacher Voices
Create and implement your vision for oracy
In this webinar, we talk about how to get started with your oracy journey, how to develop your vision for oracy and how you can use that to enact change in your school.
- On-demand
- Webinar
Getting oracy right in your context
At the 2024 Speaking Summit, Kanwal Sheikh from Earlham Primary School discusses planning for oracy, from rallying & inspiring staff members to implementing a whole-school culture of oracy.
- On-demand
- Speaking Summit
Oracy and wellbeing
In this webinar, we talk about the connection between oracy skills and wellbeing and how to equip teachers with practical approaches to use talk and listening to support wellbeing.
- On-demand
- Webinar
Designing oracy into your school's curriculum
This webinar discusses practical steps to approaching planning and designing a curriculum for oracy and explore examples of oracy curricula from Voice 21 Oracy Schools.
- On-demand
- Masterclass
Oracy and vocabulary
In this webinar, we explore the research context for vocabulary development in schools and understand how an oracy-rich approach to teaching and learning can support vocabulary development.
- On-demand
- Webinar
Implementing the oracy benchmarks
This Masterclass is designed to explore the Oracy Benchmarks in more details and consider what makes effective implementation.
- On-demand
- Masterclass
Oracy in Year 1
Watch how teachers have implemented oracy education in Year 1 classrooms including how to use oracy to resolve conflicts and learn through talk.
- On-demand
- Teacher Voices
Oracy targets
Hear directly from Voice 21 Oracy schools and their teachers on how they have used oracy targets to help every student progress and develop ownership of oracy practice.
- On-demand
- Teacher Voices
Planning vocabulary development
Watch how teachers are planning with an oracy-first approach to vocabulary development and how teachers are utilising learning through talk.
- On-demand
- Teacher Voices