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Voice 21 On-Demand Webinar

Plan and Prepare for Oracy in your Primary School

This on-demand webinar explains what oracy is and how it can underpin your Primary School Development Plan. We share five strategies to try out in your classrooms so that you can begin to audit oracy practice, pinpoint problems and plan next steps. Complete the form and watch right away!
What to expect in this webinar:

Introduction to Oracy and Voice 21
  • Meet Grace Barron and Kate Wescott, oracy experts at Voice 21
  • Learning through and to talk: we define oracy clearly and simply
  • Why oracy skills need to be taught explicitly in classrooms
Audit Oracy: how to make a start
  • How to use the oracy framework to identify gaps in your pupils' abilities
  • How to identify the oracy needs that you can weave into your school development plan
How to refresh Oracy in your School using 'why, how and who?'
These five practical activities will help subject and senior leaders observe the quality of talk happening and show you the areas for development.
We cover
  1. Why is talk happening, for what purpose? 'Concept Cartoon' Activity 
  2. How is talk happening? Talk Tactics - 'Build' and 'Clarify' 
  3. Who is engaging in talk? Groupings - 'Trios' and 'Talk Partners' 
Implementing Oracy into Classrooms, Curriculum and Culture
We'll explain how to plan for oracy progressively, over time
On-demand viewers will also receive free Voice 21 materials available to download including, Talk Tactics and Grouping resources. 

Watch the on-demand webinar