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Voice North East

Transforming learning and life chances in Newcastle, North Tyneside and Northumberland

Announcing an extended Voice North East Project in September 2024!

Voice North East was launched in September 2023 to respond to feedback from schools in the North East. School teachers and leaders were pointing to oracy as key priority for development in their students.

Bringing together 100 schools of all phases in Newcastle, North Tyneside and Northumberland, Voice North East's goal is to provide a supported programme of whole-school CPD so that oracy education becomes ordinary for every student, every day.

Delivered by Voice 21 and fully funded by North East Combined Authority, we're delighted to announce that we are extending 20 additional places for NEW to join the project from October 2024!

*All expressions of interest close on Friday 20th  September 2024.

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Voice North East 2024

Express your interest in joining the Voice North East project by submitting this form.

Your school will receive all the benefits of Voice 21's oracy programmes, which includes:

  • One-year, fully-funded oracy programme with Voice 21 starting in October 2024
  • Whole-school online training and in-person CPD days for your school's Oracy Champions
  • Access to materials and resources to start implementing oracy across all subjects and areas of your school
  • Collaborative days with other schools with Voice 21 experts to help make oracy stick in your setting
  • Baseline and endline reporting on your progress and successes as a school

Registering your interest to be considered for a place, you'll be notified in the week commencing 23rd September if your school is included.

Expressions of interest close on September 20th, 2024.

Thank you to everyone who has registered their interest for Voice North East 2024. Expressions of interest are now closed, and we’ll be in touch soon.

Watch: the Voice 21  "Membership Explained" Webinar

In this webinar, we discuss the Voice North East project and its impact on Voice 21 Oracy Schools in the North East. We'll also explain what's included in Voice 21's funded membership for schools.

Joining us are Andrew Garrad, Senior Programme Manager for Education Improvement at the North East Combined Authority, along with Voice 21 Leads and Oracy Champions Stefanie Sands and Ian Price, who share their oracy journeys and the progress seen in the project's first year.

St Bede's Primary - Newcastle Upon Tyne

"Oracy isn't a stand alone activity for us, we're integrating these strategies into all areas of the day, whether that's maths, storytime or free play."

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Who are Voice 21?

As the national oracy charity, Voice 21’s role in Voice North East has been to provide whole-school support for schools as they begin their oracy journeys. This has included professional development; implementation support; impact reporting; and network events. 

Since September 2023, Voice 21 have worked with 70 schools across Newcastle upon Tyne, North Tyneside and Northumberland, reaching 27,000 students. We've also trained and developed 158 Oracy Champions committed to transforming learning and life chances through talk.

Southridge First School - Whitley Bay

"I'm proud that the children and staff all just engaged in it, and got on board and embraced it. And we're seeing a real improvement in speaking and listening as a school."

Download the Voice North East Impact Journal

The Voice North East Impact Journal is a celebration of the remarkable strides and achievements made in Voice 21 Oracy Schools in the North East during the 2023-24. In this journal, you'll hear directly from Voice 21 Oracy Schools talk about their oracy journey and the impact they've seen since working with Voice 21:

Benton Park Primary - Newcastle upon Tyne:

Have seen improved writing outcomes through structured oral rehearsals and discussion opportunities, leading to more confident young writers.

Moorbridge Alternative Education Partnership School - North Tyneside:

Seeing the benefits of integrating the four strands of oracy into a behaviour cycle for conflict resolution giving students the tools to scaffold dialogue and verbalise their thinking.   

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Download the Voice 21 2024 Impact Report

Four school leaders share how they implemented, developed, and measured oracy in their schools - and the changes the children noticed in themselves.

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Download the Voicing Vocabulary Report
The Voicing Vocabulary report is a two-year research project about how oracy education can support vocabulary development.