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Spotlight on Vocabulary

"A child’s spoken language skills at the age of five are one of the strongest predictors of attainment at age eleven"

How does oracy support vocabulary learning?

Watch teachers in Voice 21 Oracy Schools talk about how high quality oracy education has helped students learn to talk through talk.

Structure and training for leaders

Building an environment where children are immersed in talk, ideas and discussion.


Spoken language skills are a strong predictor for attainment

A child's language skills at the age of five are the strongest predictors of attainment at the age of eleven.

When children aren’t cultivating conversations at home, and when they’re digesting one-way talk through their screens, schools can fight back with a talk-rich culture. At Voice 21 we know that it takes training and structure to explicitly and deliberately build an environment where children are immersed in talk, ideas and discussion. But once that door is open, confidence, self-regulation and belonging follow - making oracy one of the powerful cultural changes leaders can make in their schools.

Word ownership

Oracy is more than just knowing big words. It's about developing word ownership.

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Creating language rich environments with oracy

Oracy is an opportunity to create a language rich environment where pupils can develop their own voice whilst being immersed in the thoughts and language of other students.

When talking about vocabulary there’s a risk we’re advocating simply knowing a lot of big words. It’s more about the confidence and ability to use those words, to hear them in context, and to have opportunities to use, experiment and play with vocabulary.

Our explicit focus on oracy is about building thoughtful and deliberate about creating that immersive environment.

Voicing Vocabulary Report

The Voicing Vocabulary report is a 2-year research project on establishing and evaluating an oracy-centred approach to vocabulary development.

This report will help you learn how to:

  • Establish a shared understanding of oracy across the school
  • Prioritise vocabulary in planning
  • Contextualise new vocabulary through talk
  • Monitor ownership of new vocabulary

Download the report

Continue learning about the impact of oracy in schools

Spotlight on oracy
Behaviour & Culture

Through oracy children are better able to regulate, communicate and manage their feelings in difficult situations. Find out more about the link between oracy and behaviour & culture.

Spotlight on oracy

The confidence to speak up, build new relationships and be agile communicators, prepares children and young people for success in school life and beyond. Learn more about the link between oracy and confidence.

Let's chat

Do you have specific questions or just fancy a quick chat? Book a call to speak with someone on the Voice 21 team at a time that suits you. We're always happy to talk!